Kodak hat Isopropanol als geeigneten Reiniger abgesegnet, es sind keine Nachteile für Träger oder Emulsion zu erwarten:
Cleaning Solvents (Tabelle)
[W]e have found that isopropyl alcohol is an effective cleaning solvent for photographic materials. [...] We recommend isopropyl alcohol that has a purity of 98 percent or higher as a good, general-purpose cleaning solvent for photographic materials. Isopropyl alcohol (also known as 2-propanol or isopropanol) has several benefits. It is available in small volumes at a reasonable price; it has been successful in cleaning tar, streaks, processing scum, and opaque from photographic products; and it had no detrimental effect on the image stability of the emulsions we tested.
Use only isopropyl alcohol that has a purity of 98 percent or higher. Alcohol with a lower purity, such as rubbing alcohol, will cause streaking and take longer to dry. Also, the higher water content of rubbing alcohol may cause the emulsion of the photographic materials to swell, resulting in physical damage and possible deterioration of image-forming dyes.
Quelle: Recommendations for Cleaning Photographic Materials
Literaturempfehlungen: (alle aufgeführten SMPE/SMPTE-Journals sind bei archives.org legal und gratis herunterladbar)
Crabtree et al, "Cleaning Liquids for Motion Picture Film", Trans. of SMPTE, Aug. 1927, pp. 277-293.
Turner et al, "A Machine for Cleaning Motion Picture Film", Journal of SMPTE, Jul. 1958, vol. 67, pp. 480-485.
Fassett et al, "Practical Film Cleaning for Safety and Effectiveness," Journal of SMPTE, Sep. 1958, vol. 67, pp. 572-589.
Journal of the SMPTE, vol. 66, Oct. 1957, pp. 607 to 615.