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Anzeigen von Inhalten mit der höchsten Reputation auf 03.05.2022 in allen Bereichen

  1. Alles klar. Dann werde ich mir den Eumig 624D besorgen. Er hat eine 12V/100W Lampe. Und dazu dann die Leicina 8S mit allen dazugehörigen Vorsatzlinsen. Entwicklung lasse ich zu Beginn bei Andec durchführen. Perspektivisch möchte ich jedoch selbst entwickeln. Dürfte sich lohnen mit Schmalfilm und Kleinbildfilmen.
    2 Punkte
  2. Auch schon seit Wochen erledigt, ist ansonsten nicht zu ertragen...
    2 Punkte
  3. Für die Masterimage Systeme gab es mal diese "Cleaning Instructions": Materials Required Use only approved micro fiber type polishing cloths. These clothes will feel extra soft to touch with absolutely no abrasive texture. o Isopropyl Alcohol - minimum 70% o Clean film handling gloves - optional Filter Cleaning Procedure 1. If possible, unlock the wheels and move the MI-2100 away from the projector lens to an area with bright lighting. 2. If the unit cannot be moved out to an open space then lower the filter below the lens using the "down" button in order to provide access to the front and back of the filter. 3. Turn off the power switch and unplug the power cord. 4. The filter cover does not have to be removed to clean the filter. 5. If available, wear film handling gloves while cleaning the filter. 6. Being careful to only touch the centre hub, spin the wheel slowly until the black sensor mark is at the top of the filter opening. This is the starting reference point. 7. Hold the filter steady with one hand, and while applying gentle pressure, carefully wipe the filter with the cleaning cloth. Wipe from the center of the filter to the outer edge only. 8. Rotate the filter slightly with the other hand between each upward wipe of the cloth. 9. Refold the cloth after every 2 or 3 wipes in order to maintain a clean cloth surface on the filter. 10. Continue to rotate and wipe the filter until one side of the filter is clean. Use the black sensor mark to indicate when the entire filter has been wiped. 11. Switch hands or sides and repeat the process for the other side of the filter. 12. Repeat the cleaning process if required in order to completely remove any dirt or residue on the filter. 13. For areas that are difficult to clean: a) Isopropyl alcohol is the recommended cleaning solution. If using any other solution for the first time on the filter, apply a small amount of solution to the cloth. Then wipe a small area near the filter hub (out of the picture area) and inspect the results carefully for any surface damage. This must be tested on both sides of the filter as they are different materials. b) Apply a small amount of alcohol to the cleaning cloth. Never put cleaning solutions directly on the filter. c) Gently rub the cloth over the filter while applying a light pressure. Check the results frequently.
    2 Punkte
  4. Nee, das heißt "Vilm ist digital"... 🙄
    1 Punkt
  5. Die Meterangaben auf den Covern waren doch meist reine Phantasieangaben. (Genau wie Kahl, wenn er "15m" verkaufte...)
    1 Punkt
  6. Da gibt es einen Button im jeweiligen Profil 😉
    1 Punkt
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