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Über MarinBNM

  • Geburtstag 01.01.1970

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    Kino, sound, etc...

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  1. All processors are played on it's nominal level, problem is output reference on some processors, I have sound card with balanced inputs, and if processor has unbal output normaly level will be lower.
  2. How do you know that isn't CP650?
  3. HI friend! Yea, sure don't listen to laptop it will sound awfull :D Looking forward to hear you're opinion! Also, real test would be to record all chanells because this is Lt Rt endoced so it a bit mess up :D
  4. We did discussed this many times, but as I do have big tehnical background in pro-audio, and blind test of equipment is always welcomed there, so I decided to make one on film area. I had some time and did recorded some trailler, projector is same, as well reader and so, on all recordings. There are four cinema processors used and calibrated as it should be, signal which is recorded is Stereo Lt and Rt with SR. Now I want you to listen and told which one you think is best SR sounding. I know this isn't real test as real would be to hear complete unit, but it's something. This are four files, just download it and listen, and normally share you're opinion! https://files.me.com/biela.dortmund/8e34yy
  5. Sorry but I don't have photo, rectifier was troven away, only I did take transformer and regulation transformer. Do you have any schematic or data of klangfilm rectifiers?
  6. Hello, and sorry, but better I write in english, than in bad german To get on point, I had some old Klangfilm rectifier, black box, and only marking on it was that is Klangfilm. There is main transformer and regulator (primary) in it, I did take them out as they are in good condition, now I want to use it, will add 3ph greatz and so, only don't know would this transformer will take up to 1600W lamp? There is plate on transformer, it saysa: typ Wi091, and on regulator choke: typ DO 16a. If anybody knows anything about this, please let me know!!
  7. Sorry, but don't know german well to write on, I hope english won't be bad :D So, you're saying when you play optical that only one channel is there, and when play AUX true DA20 all channels are okay? When you going to set level with test film, does also on setup screen only one channel working, so only one bar is up? If so, than probably something is wrong with PEC input card, first it can be NE5532, there are two of them on input, if you are skilled you could try to change them, but be careful as it's 3side PCB....I have one situation where that IC was dead....
  8. MarinBNM

    Predom Prexter

    Also I hear from one source that they try to import them to France over some company, but that wasn't sucsesfull. Also, from friend's in Poland, they told me that last Prexer machine was AP624, maded around 1992-1993, maded about four pairs only. That one have automatic turret, stereo reverse scan with IR led, and because of that posibility to operate with automation.....but I newer saw one or get photo of it, also one more fact, they maded prototype of 70mm machine, but newer get it in serial production. As Stefan mentioned, closer Ernie VIIB copy was Iskra projectors, which were built more better than any prexer, they used high-class ball bearings from SKF and soem from Japan, high class materials and material process. Iskra also can use high power xenon lamp because it has water cooled gates, so film won't get hot and it won't bend over higher temperature what is important for focus, earlier prexer had water cooling, but with 0% effect, only some plate behind film gate were cooled, when they figure out later that it haven't any effect, they just placed piece of metal plate there. On ISKRA, in Pula they used 4000W lamps on KN-3 for screening in old arena where film festival is showing. Not to mention how more better and easyer to maintence ISKRA electronics is, than some prexer with poor electronics.
  9. MarinBNM

    Predom Prexter

    Yea, some photos should be good to see, and also what models are you talking about? About Prexer......is just cheap maded machine, ernemann copy, but with central shaft transmission and "kegel blende" (shutter) like on Bauer. I do service lot of that machines, electronic sucks, but when they are tweeked good they can run nice, I have pair AP61 installed back in 1973 in my father's booth, they have more stabile picture than VIC5 in multiplex I see here. Also I do have newer model from 1984 which have suprisily good sound optics that can reach 16KHz with bit HF on processor. But they do have some child problems like oil leaking (if you remake all sealing it won't leak, but from factory..) Also replacing of ball bearing on sounhead is good to do.
  10. MarinBNM


    It's better to use that lamp as heater :) I do have some NARVA 3KW bulb from some stage reflectors.
  11. On film-tech are only spare parts catalogue, I did receive mail from Cinemeccanica, but they put wrong schematic, I hope they will send wright one.
  12. HI! I have two VIC 5's with X2000H lamp houses dating about 1977-1984 or so, so I would need schematic of machine and if possible schematic of interconnection to it like mains supply, changeover and so. I could made it by myself, but why to mess with machine if everything is there allready. tnx!
  13. Hi all again! Well...again problems with this crap.....I have rectifier which I did rewire as Stefan did pointed me.....and with mine 900W bulb at home it works perfectly, it ignite every time!! And when I connect it to P86 which have 500W lamp and AS16040 igniter it don't work good...it you want to ignite lamp first we must put switch for higher current and when lamp strikes then put it to nominal waleu )but with 900W at home that isn't problem)...I did try to replace igniter capacitors, sparker, lamp.....but always the same.....another strange thing is that when you strike it the lamp momentaly lights (not light spark because of ignition, but real light) but only for a quart of second and then it gone off and you see voltage drop down what is normaly because lamp is starting and booster capacitor is descharging. So if maybe someone have more idea about this problem...?
  14. I did do complete diagnose today, problem was in DAC CS4328 Vref voltage, on others normally is 3,6V...on "noisy" one it was only 1,4V due failure of capacitors on Vref (pin 28 of DAC). Now voltage is back to 3,6V and is working fine.
  15. HI, problems is only in output, I normaly try to switch channel on amp but same....also there aren't any cable issues here. One thing more is to try replace e-potmeter.
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