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  1. PaulW

    White flash

    Thanks - I'll have a look at that. Paul
  2. Hi there - many thanks again for the great software - we use it on a regular basis at our community cinema, Saffron Screen, in the UK. I have one problem, however, which is a white flash at the end of every DCP. It only happens when viewing from our GDC server and Barco projector. On the PC it looks fine. Any idea why this might be? Thanks Paul
  3. Hi - thanks again for the great software - invaluable here at our community cinema, Saffron Screen, in the UK. I have one problem at the moment which is I often get a white flash at the end of a DCP - it only seems to be when running from our GDC server, I cannot see anything amiss when running via Stereoscopic Player on the PC. Any thoughts on what might cause this? Regards Paul
  4. Problem solved - I had the display set to show medium size characters rather than the default small. Once set back to small, the 16 thread option appears! Thanks again for the great software.
  5. Screenshots attached!
  6. I've done some screenshots but have no idea how to upload them! The only other difference between the PCs that I can think of is that the newer one is running a 64 bit version of Windows 7.
  7. I am using the latest version 1.4.3 on 2 PCs both running Windows 7. One PC which is an old dual core machine shows the option of using up to 16 threads. The other is a new 6 core machine but only shows options up to 8 threads. Any idea why the 16 threads option is not displayed? Many thanks for this software. I work at a community cinema in the UK and we have just started with our digital projector this weekend having been using 35mm for 5 years. Over the last few weeks I have been able to transfer a lot of slides and videos to our GDC server and our capacity audience were very complimentary after our opening night last Friday. So thanks again for this great facility - it's made my job much easier! Paul
  8. Thanks - forgot to refresh the page in my browser!
  9. Many thanks for this - just the software I need! Is now available?
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