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Thomas Crown

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  1. Hello Roland,


    Hope all is well.

    I am interested in your 35mm list.

    Look forward to see the list.



    1. Thomas Crown

      Thomas Crown

      Hello Roland,


      How are you?

      I am still looking to hear from you regarding the film list.

      Thank you in advance.  



  2. Thank you for your input Stefan. Danke!
  3. An update to my question above. Does Benoist Berthiot Super_Cinestar & Benoist Berthiot Neo_Cinestar produce the same quality on screen? I have also heard comments that older Benoist Berhtiot can reproduce a superior image on Black/white 35mm prints. What are your views on the topic? I am of course talking about Berthiot lenses in very good condition in these cases. Not damaged junk!
  4. Hello dear friends, Can someone help with feedback on my question above? Danke!
  5. Well, they have not been so active answering e-mails... Perhaps they are on a "Corona-break" at their office?
  6. Thank you. I can google also. I was thinking of getting in touch with someone personally which works there...
  7. Hello friends and colleagues, I am seeking contact with staff which works with the "Kinomobil" project in Germany. Or Kinomobil Baden-Württemberg e.V to be more precise. If you can help, please send me PM with info. Thank you in advance.
  8. Thank you all for your contributions! I am still looking for a VERONESE SX2500 and possibly a SX1600 as a second option. Will offer generously for a projector in really good condition.
  9. Hello technicians and film enthusiasts, Has anyone here first hand experience of the VERONESE SX1600 & SX2500 portable projector? I am looking for photos of the SX1600 and also a manual if someone has a PDF of SX1600? Is this machine quiet or lound? Does it disturb an open space when used in the same room as the audience? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  10. Thank you for your input Simon.
  11. Hello dear friends and lovers of analogue film projection. I recently did a projection test between a couple of lenses. Lens No.1 ) Benoist Berthiot Super_Cinestar f=65mm Lens No.2) Benoist Berthiot Cinestar 70 f=85mm Lens No.3 Benoist Berthiot Neo_Cinestar f=65mm They looked very nice on screen with clear focus and quite beautiful colour rendition. Is there anyone which can help me with information about these lenses? What is the difference between Cinestar, Super_Cinstar and Neo_Cinestar? Are these former premium lenses? They seem to be of high quality. Any help appreciated. Kind regards.
  12. Hello friends, I am kindly looking for your feedback around how the ISCO ULTRA STAR HD (gold lenses with a blue line and blue star) compare to the later ISCO ULTRA STAR HD PLUS (red lenses). Are these close to each other in the image quality they present or is the difference worthwhile in taking note of? Curious to hear about your input? Thank you in advance.
  13. Hello Oemer, I have had excellent results with EIKI EX-5500A some years ago. A top machine which also usually go for top €€€€ Great Image and sound + 550 Xenon lamp to boot. Regards.
  14. Hello friends, I have a question regarding image stability calibration on these E-machines. We have he Kinoton software and service manual. The service manual for this calibration is quiet sparse in describing how it is done. As far as I can judge, there are at least 5 different parameters to be adjusted. Is someone familiar with how this best is carried out? How each of these parameters best are set, what to do and in which order? Your help greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  15. Hello friends, I have a question regarding image stability calibration on these E-machines. We have he Kinoton software and service manual. The service manual for this calibration is quiet sparse in describing how it is done. As far as I can judge, there are at least 5 different parameters to be adjusted. Is someone familiar with how this best is carried out? How each of these parameters best are set, what to do and in which order? Your help greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  16. Hello, I have a Cat. 773 Dolby Digital SRD card for sale. If interested, contact me through PM. Thank you.
  17. Thomas Crown


    I have an excellent portable 35mm projector KINOTON FP-10A for sale. Comes with 1000W Kinoton lamphouse, Dolby processor, lenses, and 2000m reels in professional shipping cases. This projector with accessories costs over 20,000 Euro new. Please contact me off-site. Will consider respectable offers
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