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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Alan

  1. Hello

    There might be one or two for sale here in Denmark.Are you interested?


    If so,send me an email at:alan.lyman@mail.dk




    1. Cinemat82


      Hello Alan
      Thanks for your offer. Denmark is a bit far away.
      What exactly do you have on offer?
      Best regards
    2. Alan


      Hello Andy


      meanwhile I have been told they are sold.



    3. Cinemat82


      Thank you for that info.
      Best regards
  2. You can change the capacitors in the powersupply.I have done that on several with same problem.its a bit tricky,so you must be an electronic guy to do it,not to destroy the PCB.they sit very tight,so you have to find the same sizes. gruss alan Danemark
  3. I think you can still get them for Victoria´s from cinemeccanica.BUT they are not cheap. gruss alan
  4. if you are into electronic or know someone,then take the LT+RT from the back of the cp65,and sum them through a opamp,then you have left-center-right,and l+r still have the surr. info alan
  5. The CP55,had a 03 format,where the surround were turned off.BUT it was just turned off.The CAT150 still decoded it.A few film in the start of DOLBY STEREO did not have surround information.therefore format 03. When the CP55 later was converted to have SR the buttom was changed to this. You can still in the CP65 make this format,on the matrix card,but it wil do the same.Just turn off the surroundchannel. alan
  6. Hi PM me,I have something. alan.lyman(at)mail.dk gruss alan
  7. Alan

    Filmteller ST 200

    you have to activate the takeup arm,before you can control the speed on the takeout disc with the unit. Alan
  8. there has been MANY different electric setups,inside a V5.you must start to oplaod a picture from inside.then maybe I can help alan
  9. Alan

    CP 500

    Hello again this how you get subwoofer as well. go into the user format you made press more press optical decoder config press bass extension lcr to subw,then press ok then you have subw in the eq config,you can choose cutt off freq,eq expander,and subw gain have fun alan
  10. Alan

    CP 500

    ok if you make your own userformat,where you just copy from existing format 60 or 61,then in the x-point,you can remove the x-for surrounds. I think you can also in the subw menu add the subw.I will have to chéck that on my own. alan
  11. Alan

    CP 500

    hello Holger do I understand correct,that you only want Left-Right and sub,out of the Nonsync input? gruss alan
  12. I think I have the breakoutboards for this.Also I made my own,when connected to a DA20,because the DA20,will revert the CP65,when not running SRD.If you are interested alan
  13. I might have some,shall I look?? gruss Alan Danmark
  14. Hello Karel There are several different motor for this projector,both 3phase and single fase. do you have the toothed wheel for the motor?If yes count how many teeth if you email me,I can send you the manual alan
  15. Hello jerry normally there are only two parameters you are alowedd to adjust. the angle and how much in that angle. alan
  16. Alan



    do you need org.version or german version.

    if original,will downloading be fine?






  17. good to know alan
  18. It could be when you shut it off,Its not uncommon to have card faults in the log,when shutting the cp off,because it sees it as a fault,when its just shutting down. alan
  19. Maybe its because you send a "mute"command first.try to delete that. alan
  20. hello you shoulld try to replace all the microswitches on the side.they are standard,and I have replaced many,because of many different faults.Maybe first check that it is aligned perfectly,so all switches is engaed when they should.I might have a pdf schematic of it. alan
  21. Alan

    DTS IDE oder SCSI

    I think at the end,they used IDE and with a scsi adpatorplate at the back
  22. youre welcome. good luck gruss alan
  23. I have repaird alot of these you open them,by banging a screwdriver along the line,allaround,then it opens. the problme is usually,that you have to resolder the plug.Also I used to glue the plug to the PCB. Sometimes it´s the trimmer which is bad,and I replace it. after repair,I just glue the two pieces together again. gruss Alan
  24. great. have fun alan
  25. Hello If you only use 1projector,make sure the short is made on the back on the "motorrelay"plug,for M1 otherwis it will not revert when no SRD alan
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