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Sorry for the English...


I am currently collecting information for a very large research project on super 8, and I am looking for people that can help with certain aspects of it.


Amongst many other things, I'm trying to acquire every super 8 film under the Kahl brand. Does anyone have any of the following films they would like to sell or swap?




Black / White


KAHL 24 - Umkehr ISO 200/24° / Negativ ISO 100/21°

KAHL 27 - Negativ ISO 400/27°

KAHL 21 - Negativfilm ISO 100/21°

KAHL Dokument 12 - Umkehrfilm ISO 12/12°




KAHL 320T - Negativ ISO 320/26° (Kassette 12m)

KAHL 500T - Negativ ISO 500/28° (Kassette 12m)

KAHL 800T - Negativ ISO 800/30° (Kassette 12m)

KAHL UT 18 Chrome - Umkehrfilm ISO 50/18°

KAHL NC15 - Negativ ISO 25/15°

KAHL NC17 - Negativ ISO 50/18°

KAHL NC21 - Umkehrfilm ISO 100/21°

KAHL Ferrania 100 - Umkehrfilm ISO 100/21°




KAHL 21 - Negativ, Schwarzweiss, 60m Meterware ISO 100/21

KAHL 24 Schwarzweiß Super 8, 60m, ISO 200/24°

KAHL 27 Highspeed Schwarzweiß Super 8, 60m, ISO 400/27°

KAHL Dokument 12 Schwarzweiß Super 8, 60m, ISO 12/12°

KAHL UT 18 CHROME Farbe Super 8, 60m, ISO 50/18°

KAHL Ferrania 100 - Umkehrfilm ISO 100/21°





Not only do I want every emulsion under the Kahl name, but also every version of the cartridge, sticker and packaging. See attached image for a better idea of just some of the different versions.


If you can help with this, or have other obscure or expired super 8 films and are wanting to trade or sell them then please get in touch.







Hello. I'm afraid that there are not many peolpe in this forum who could help you out, but a lot more who do not want to have anything to do with Mr. Kahl.

Keeping a long story short, this man has a rather bad reputation amongst small format users.

And since he's been neglecting to sell his products to private customers for some years now, it would be quite a hard task to acquire any of them.

Besides, no one really knows what's inside his film cans and cartridges because he keeps making a secret out of it.

I don't know how good you are at reading German texts, but search the forum for "Kahlfilm". Use a translator if you want, you'll figure out...

Do you plan to use these films or is it only for collecting?





Thank you both for the replies. I'm aware of Mr Kahl's reputation. These are for my collection, yes. I would like them to fulfil part of the personal research project I am doing on super 8 film. I have bought from him before, and can get the current stocks he sells, but it's the older material I am particularly interested in as it is hard to come by on ebay.de or anywhere else. I thought this would be the best place to ask as Kahl himself won't reply to me of course.


Will buy them, just name your price, or swap for current, or other expired film.




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