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  • 2 Wochen später...

So bin durch. War ein ganz interessantes Interview. Ich hoffe, ich konnte so weit überzeugen, dass ein neuer Umkehrfilm inkl. Entwicklung für 23 Euro auf den Markt kommt und die neue Kamera mit Edelstahl-Andruckplatte ausgeliefert wird. ;-)

  • 1 Monat später...

Wann kommt die neue Super-8-Kamera? Jeff Clarke, Kodak CEO, verschiebt den Termin ein bisschen, legt sich aber in diesem Interview fest:


It’s difficult to put it into words, but there’s a feeling, a sensibility, an art to the expression of directorial talent and acting talent through the medium of film as opposed to digital. You mentioned digital fatigue. Can you say a bit more about that?

I can talk about it, but it’s much better for the artist to talk about it. The fact is that there are a series of film artists, big names like Spielberg, Tarantino, Nolan, Abrams — who only want to shoot film. Several of them would not continue making movies if film isn’t available.

There’s certain actors who have said they prefer to be shot in film: Daniel Craig, Tom Cruise, Tina Fey. They do not want to be shot on digital or on video, because they see the difference in the medium — it’s warmer, the medium is analog like we are as human beings.

Digital and video has democratized the ability to tell stories. It’s very easy for me to grab my iPhone and take a picture of my child playing with a rabbit. It’d be harder to get the old Super 8 out there. But some people want the Super 8.

That’s one of the first new products that’s come out of Kodak with a consumer-facing approach. As you pointed out, almost all of Kodak’s current revenues are really business-to-business. But earlier this year at CES, you introduced a new Super 8 camera, and it seemed to unleash a torrent of consumer goodwill towards the company.



We were very pleased with it. Just put it in perspective, we were at a major print conference in Düsseldorf last week and announced 20 new (business to business) products — all significant investments.

The Super 8 is an opportunity for us to recapture the consumer market and recapture the dream of film, and to allow film to be back in schools and for amateurs. Super 8 is an accessible product that many of us grew up with. To let that fade away wasn’t consistent with our decision to save film. We found a lot more demand than we originally thought.

It’s coming out in the fall?

We announced that the first version will be out just around Christmas time, by the next CES, which is mid-January. We expect to have a large amount available of the higher-end initial camera, and then in about another six to eight months we should be able to go in volume.

If you’re successful, will the Kodak brand mean largely the same thing it used to mean, or do you have a vision for what it might mean in a post-digital era?

I think Kodak in the future will be known for the science that we do, that creates products that help the environment.



  • 2 Monate später...

Hallo zusammen


Auf der neu desigten Verpackung steht ja „Vision 3 50“. Nur mal so als Gedankenspiel:


Wir wissen ja, dass der Vision 3 Remjet und einen maskierten Träger hat. Wir wissen aber auch, dass die Farben bei einer Crossentwicklung in E-6 eigentlich ziemlich gut werden. Wäre es dann nicht denkbar, dass Kodak einen neuen Umkehrfilm auf Basis der Vision 3 50-Emulsion auf den Markt bringen würde, halt einfach auf einem klaren Träger und ohne Remjet?


Was denkt ihr?


Gruss Patrick

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