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Cinemeccanica Victoria 8 exciter lamp dimenzion

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Maybee somebody here could help me to solve this problem!


Can someone tell me what are dimenziones of exciter lamp for Victoria 8, expecialy diametar of metal part of lamp what goes in holder, and distance from botton to filament. Best would be also if someone can send or upload picture here of lamp itself and in soundhead.


Thanks and best regards to all!!




Hello Marin


Here's a photograph of a modern CM lamp, in halogen technology. I could not find the old one with glass.


Socket diameter is 20 mm with a centering bore in axis on the rear for the clamp screw.

Lamp filament above socket is 1.5 inches.


I also own one with red narrow filter at 650 nm.. from the very early days of Cyan experimenting. I do not know, if it works.

The insert power is 35 Watts at 6 Volts.

I am also not sure, if this type lamp is still in distribution, it has been with us in the projector before it was used last, in 1998.


Hope this helped a little, if not let me know.


Best regards:




Thanky You Stefan very much! I also found before couple of minutes thay I have old one with the glass for Cinemeccanica (I can't belive that i ahve one).


But if is not problem can you tell me is it AC or DC on Victoria 8 for fedding exciter lamp and is it possible to regulate voltage or is it just 6v?







Hi Marin


Preferrably the lamp is fed with DC, regulated to a minimum of (0% of the nominal voltage. The glass lamp shopuld be fed with 5 Volts, a computer's power supply can do the trick quite well, at 5 Volts, 10 Amps or more they can feed a single lamp. Computer supplies are available nearly everywhere, at low prices. But any other Lamp supply will work.

The halogen one must be fed with close to 6 Volts DC, as otherwise the halogen process will not take effect, and blackening of the lamp will result quite soon with undervoltage.


Only in very primitive situations, or in case of rectifier failiure AC is used, due to hum originating in sound, not only 100 Hz, but also mix products of harmonics. Therefore, use filtered DC, better regulated DC.

Best regards:




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