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Does anybody ever try to convert KN-17 portable projector for reading cyn films with red light?


I did, but problem is in slit mask, mask is too high, so with led i don't get good high frequency, and when i put something to shorter mask and get better high frequency (i get very good sound then) then i don't have good signal leevl on output of amplifier. What do you thinkk of idea to put some kind of amplifier?


Best would be if someone have any of KN-17 documentation, I'm interested in KN-17 amplifier model: 6Y-34Y3.






Hi Marin,


I do own the original documentation on KN 15 (single projector with spools and spool box 600 m) /KN 17 (double setup using film cores without spoolbox), Soviet print around 1987, German language. Looks extremely rural the way it is made.

If this is of any help to you, let me know, I can photocopy it and mail it to you.

That you did not achieve good HF is pretty clear, the optical system projects a slit which basicly is an image of the lamps filament, which at 4 Volt 3 Watts is very small tungsten, then with cylindrical minification gives reasonable pickup. Using a red source of other physical dimensions will result in a much larger image on film, that is just limited by the mechanical "slit" (aperture) of the minifier lens. The optical system as well as the bulbs, that seem handcrafted under intoxication with liquor (Vodka) is pure crap.

The whole projector setup is junk, which can just be justified for use in Ukrainia or Siberia far away from human civilization, where it can be kept alive with minimum tools and where quality conciousness is not an important point. (Something with maximum tolance cannot freeze gears)

The genuine electral layout is even lethal, with live contacts without covering, therefore all East German sets had been rewired with new plugs and cables according to VDE standards.

I do not have the faintest idea, why this was among the most copied projectors in the world, copies exist in India, China, South america, and so on.


Best regards:




Thanks Stefan!


Actually I made smaller slit mask for KN-17 (using gillete platinum shaving blades :-)) funny isn't it? ) and I achieve let's say same sound and HF like with original lamp! But signal level is smaller because less light comes to photodiode, so I must put some kind of amplification!


If you can please send me that documents You have, I gonna send You mine mail to PM. Thanks a lot!

  • 2 Wochen später...

Yesterday I finaly make KN-17 capable of playing cyan films with red lifght in soundhead......I gonna put some pictures later.


I changed sound optic (slit lenses) and make new holders for optics and led (I've put slit lenses from Iskra projectors :D :D ), also very important is to change photodiode, because original photodiode isn't sensitive enought to red part of light spectrum (650nm), so than smaller output signal is possible occuring, and also now sound is much better quality due to new better slit image!!!!!


If somebody need any help about this ask!


Finaly i gonna put photos, they are low resolution because are taken by mine mobile phone camera :P :P









The sound is now much better quality, expecilay if originaly amplifier isn't used :!:




Any opinion :roll: :roll: ???

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