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Sorry if I continue in English. ?


Very nice Beaulieu R16, checked/repaired/adjusted in 2018 by FilmKonsult in Sweden, purchased on Ebay. Used with Angenieux Retrofocus 10mm and a Som Berthiot 25 mm, both in perfect conditions. Light measured with a Sekonic during a steam locomotive passage, last Sunday. Filmed with Foma R100, processed using the bleach with the orange evil powder.


Is it possible that you get such disaster if the film loops in the camera are not long enough (= wrong camera loading)?

I bought a new spool of Kodak 7222 to make a new test.


rsz_img_20191109_12245mkka.jpg  rsz_img_20191109_1224z9k99.jpg



Yes, film loading error can look like this. I would check out with a piece of old film in the light if the filmtransport looks steady when the loops have the right size 



Dear Marco, read your posting on "cinematography.com" .

First of all, I love Fomapan R100 very much too, and I have the experience of more than 60 exposed and home processed rolls meanwhile. Your processing seems to be absolutely o.k.

But R100 has some issues, e.g. a perforation pitch and a mediocre quality control, during my last takes in Porto 2 rolls did not run through my R16 because of tears between perforation and the film edge... .

Simon Wyss teached me a lot of the specialties of R100, search for "Fomapan R100" here in the forum.

The film does not run through my Bolex R16, but Tri-X or old Plus-X does without any jitter. Fomapan is beautiful, but kind of a diva.

Concerning the loops, you must be very careful. In your video, the lower loop seems to move down during transport, so at lowest speed, the film must not touch the lower curved chrome plate ever. My R16 shows an upward movement of the lower loop, so a 2 mm distance to the plate is ok while threading. Maybe that the distance in your R16 must be more to avoid any contact, 2mm at the lowest point whlie running should be ok.

Please let us know about your results with Kodak 7222.



vor 54 Minuten schrieb Simon Wyss:

Der kann Deutsch, verbiegt euch nicht zu stark.


Na ja, ich kann Deutsch verstehen und sprechen, aber nicht richtig schreiben...?


vor 1 Stunde schrieb jacquestati:

First of all, I love Fomapan R100 very much too, and I have the experience of more than 60 exposed and home processed rolls meanwhile. Your processing seems to be absolutely o.k.

But R100 has some issues, e.g. a perforation pitch and a mediocre quality control, during my last takes in Porto 2 rolls did not run through my R16 because of tears between perforation and the film edge... .

Simon Wyss teached me a lot of the specialties of R100, search for "Fomapan R100" here in the forum.

The film does not run through my Bolex R16, but Tri-X or old Plus-X does without any jitter. Fomapan is beautiful, but kind of a diva.

Concerning the loops, you must be very careful. In your video, the lower loop seems to move down during transport, so at lowest speed, the film must not touch the lower curved chrome plate ever. My R16 shows an upward movement of the lower loop, so a 2 mm distance to the plate is ok while threading. Maybe that the distance in your R16 must be more to avoid any contact, 2mm at the lowest point whlie running should be ok.

Please let us know about your results with Kodak 7222.



I saw the post dedicated to the damages of the sprockets and the others dedicated to the developing of the R100... thanks to these information I have learnt not to trust the permanganate bleach. I want to try the Foma again, in the future, but perhaps for shots which I can take again in case of problems. In January I have a project in an hospital in Nairobi and cannot allow to fail. Also, the 7222 is a bit more sensitive and has a wider exposing latitude. ALso I have sometimes random issues with the Fomabrom paper, but this is not the proper place to discuss it.


I will try to do my best to improve, the 7222 is on the way to me. I have ordered it from Wittner...


A propos: are there another sources for this film? ☺️





Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I recently obtained a couple of 7222 rolls and they turned out rather beautiful. Exposed at 250 ASA and developed in Orwo A71, I got perfect reversal results — sharp, fine grained and with incredible latitude, especially in the highlights. The stock is pretty soft though, so make sure to have contrasty light for best results. Flat overcast turns out rather boring, campfire reflections in kid's eyes/faces or bright sunlight turned out absolutely stunning. It's kinda the opposite of the Foma R in handling contrasts. Really beautiful stock, I still have eight 400' cans, would spare you a roll for Nairobi for free if you cover the postage, you'd still need to rewind it onto four 100' reels though.

Bearbeitet von F. Wachsmuth (Änderungen anzeigen)

Hi Friedemann,


this is very interesting to me (the fact that the film can be developed also as a positive), I was already finding some hints about that on FilmKorn.

I was thinking to develop this film in D76 after having found that D96 is very similar to D76. 


But now I am curious also to invert it!

And about your offer, you are extremely nice! I will send you an email soon!


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