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Meopta mirror -- Bad or?


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I installed new mirror in lamp house with Meopta 380mm diameter mirror and XBO2500 i vertical position. After 15-20 min of working I notticed that about of couple of centimeters silver reflecting surface was gone from mirror, it was fall of easily and after next 20 minutes of working about 30% of mirror was damaged.....lamp house has small mirror as well and cooling fans! I spoked with dealer who sold me this and he told that may bee i miss aligned small mirror (so the light is striking the big mirror - but If I miss aligned the I think less light will strike big mirror than was aligned?) but everything is properly aligned because on another projector is same XBO, with same mirror, lamp house, fans.....and everything is OK! And in all places i worked with this mirrors I newer had problems.


This mirror isn't produced anymore and I think this one is made in 1986....so maybe after long storing time this could happen?


Opinions, ideas.....????

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I already heard from MEOPTA mirrors, which had the same problems. I think it's a problem caused by wrong storage outside or inside a lamphouse. It is absolutely not caused by a disaligned second small mirror, it's just the heat that kills this before damaged coating on the glass.


Kind regards


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When you misalign the small mirror you can easily blow the bulb but

not the large mirror. Have a nice day,





YES! This is true!!!


So at end of lamphouse there should be lenses that arc can be visualy seen on back of projector. So arc which is upside down (anode down, cathode up) is arc comming directly from bulby, and second arc is arc comming from small mirror, so that second arc should be placed in middle of first arc, so the electrodes almost touches end of first arc, but NOT touching, just closer! So the light from smaller mirror can pass between electrodes of bulb and go to big mirror and then to film gate. Somebody correct me if i'm wrong about this?


Or is crater reflector on projector is bad, You may use small mirror and put it in optical axle between big mirror and lamp to saw tha, off cource lamp should be off then.....


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Meopta mirrors are composed of 27 layers of higroscopic salts, so they must be stored and operated with rather low humidity present, intended for use in airconditioned spaces.

It is quite normal, that these mirror degrade rather fast, their optical quality and efficiency inferior, but their price, compared to others is extremely low, so some compromise must be made. After all total operation cost is high, frequent replacements, high energy cost and brilliancy free picture are not worth trying them.

We have currently upgrade a projection setup from Meopta projectors that were operated since 1999. Same 2k (75A)Xenon Lamp, same mirror size, and the same set of lenses on the newer Bauer U4. For the first time: Superbright, colorful and crisp picture, sharp from edge to edge and with a picture stability that is unbelievable. Now, most prints tend to show their inferior printing quality, limit the print, not the projection.


All picture improvements (but not unstability) relate to the mirror in use, which is the next important factor after the lens!

Try to find something from a different source of western European design.






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