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Help SRX R320 , LMT 300 RAID 50mb!!

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Hello friends, I am from Colombia and I have a problem with the LMT 300 server.

A few weeks ago the content was lost, I try to correct it with a guide made by Sony but it doesn't work

step 1 run raid builder 1.00
reboot MB
raid formatter 3.00
reboot MB
to turn off
start and copy content

the problem is that the total capacity of the RAID is 50 MB !!!

it should be 1.7tb so there is no space for any content

I have a growfs 1.0 raid file but I don't know why it works

I never had this. Sometimes the SSD ist broken. the Linux system fail.

The way you try to get back the raid is correct.

Do you have an image of the SSD. The SSD is mounted in the first slot of the disk drive carrier, first disk on the left side.



I already replaced the SSD with a new one ordered from sony, and the problem persists, the log of the media block does not show any errors.


i have a file called RAD GROWFS .10.epl  but when usin it indicates sofware update fail, do you know what it is for?






No,sorry, only a 3.05 raid formatter elp. And a soft-reboot-mb.elp.

all led's on topof the drive slot light green? Your screenshot looks normal. Raid available.

sw update completed was shown after update?

Did you ever change the Cr 2032 Lithium-Battery on the mainboard?. If this is empty, the LMT-300 isn't working well.

i had one, battery empty, rebooting after 20min automatically. So i could never update this. It takes some times that somebody knows, why the LMT-300 does this and then fix the problem.




The LMT300, as the S10, has a RAID memory battery. If that one is bad, reformatting will not work.


You need four CR2450 altogether for a full swap. Each fan carrier carries two batteries. Change one carrier at a time.


Tell us if you need the manual that explains the battery swap procedure and locations.




Main power the LMT-300, pull out one of the Fan units, change the batteries, one ist for the mediablock, one for the rest. Plug in, fix the srews, pull out the other one, change batteries. Never pull out both at the same time, this will lost the certificate of the media block.



Hello, thanks for your answers.

- the leds of the discs are all green

- the raid builder update that lasts a few seconds is complete satisfactory

- The batteries of board 3058 (CR2540) have already been changed at 4 and the problem persists

- the media block log does not show any errors

Is it possible to change board 3058 for another server?

We have 2 lmt 300 that surely lost their certificate due to erroneous manipulation and 2 exactly the same with RAID problems

I understand that they might have been damaged by the batteries, but changing them doesn't fix it either.



Sony's solution is to sell me 3 new servers, returning the damaged ones, 16k usd / unit, is it a good option? or they would take the option GDC SR 1130 IMB for SRX R320 (I don't know the price)

I still don't lose hope of repairing it haha





Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Using the GDC IMB could be an interesting option, as it is a modern server with better performance (higher capacity, faster ingest, etc.).


Hard to tell what the problem is with the existing RAID set. One disc seems to be marked as bad, but should not cause the reinit to fail. But maybe you could swap-in a working replacement from one of the other LMT300 for a test. Are you sure these are the correct drives?

Bearbeitet von carstenk (Änderungen anzeigen)

Did you ckeck the software status of the server? By using the update procedure. It show's you the versions of the software.

Sometime it helps to install the same version again. If it's work.

Mediablock last software ist ALL R320_01460270.mot. Main should be 1.46, SMS Server 2.51.10.

But it always works with 1.43 and 2.51.8 versions.

The last 'great update' was LPD_2.02.003, Main 1.43, MX_2.05.002 and Network 1.25

Since that the later ones was in the package 2.51.8 with a newer .mot and 2.51.10.elp for the server.

I try to change for the GDC Server, ist the better way than to invest in the old LMT-300, and it allows to use the GDC in projektors series 4, either in series 2 or 3.

by the way, After raid formatter etc, the server starts several times until it shows the login. Did your server that procedure?



hola gracias por tus respuestas

carstenk: tengo 6 discos verdes y 1 gris ese seria el dinamico si no me equivoco tengo varios discos LMT 300 funcionales y aun no raidea

Jensg: la version de mediablock es la 2.51.10, adjunto imagen de informacion actual, tengo disponibles los siguientes archivos de actualizacion que ya han sido usados y todavia no solucionan el problema.

¿Hay algo que me falta para actualizar? o un archivo que no tengo? Gracias

El procedimiento de formateo de raid es así

1- raid builder
2- aplico soft reboot
3- raid formatter 3.0 (esto no reinicia el mediablock, me quedo sin acceso a MB)
4- aplico soft reboot
5- apago proyector
6- enciendo y compruebo raid 50mb ...


tengo archivos que no se como actualizar no se si tienes informacion de esto (principal r320, red 320, herramienta de actualizacion de firmware)









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