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I've got some idea to make sidewinder by mine own......but got problem's with drive motors....I try to to something like Meopta with asynhron motors and resistor in serial with it....but I've get motors over heat too much! :lol:



Another idea is to put DC motors with regulation, and get regulation from arm lik on ernemann or kinoton.


Any ideas or help with chosing motors....or maybee somebody do this also?




Hello Marin. a very simple possibilitiy is as follow: using a 2x200watts/4 Ohm poweramplifier and two 24-48volts dc-motors with ca. 150-200watts like fan-motors from trucks (maybe getting these from used material stocks). changing the amplifier to a dc-coupled version by soldering a wire bridge over the coupling elko in the input and feedback. deactivate the output relay by direkt wiring.

contorlling the speed by using a 5kohms-10kohm poti, witch is connectet with the ends of the resistor to +15v and -15v of the internal power supply for the op-amps. now you can regulate the output of a voltageswing of +vsupply to -vsupply by turning the poti. conntc mechanically the poti at he steering arm and you will have a simple and cheap solution.

you can use the internal output current limiting to save the amplifier an the motor by too heavy load.

pa-amplifiers are now very cheap from thomann, monacor or anyone, since the chinese supplies the market.

this also will work with 180-230volts dc motors, only the rewindspeed will not be very fast.

you need only 12-16v for the filmgiving reel and maximum ca. 48volt for the filmgetting reel.


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