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I have two meo 5 in one location, problem is when one is in operation and then second goes up, when changeover button is being presse the selenoid pulls up light breaker and on other projector it must be fall down, but it stays up until manualy on controll pannel button is not pressed.


So I think that problem can be in K5 relay of second projector, or something with contacts, but I think that relay is powerd ok since exciter lamp is switching on normaly?




am I right, that the problem-douser is open while holding the black changeover button pressend down?

If so, you should check the resistor mounted onto the solenoid's mounting plate. It's a brown resistor with a glider on it. While pressing the changeover button, the solenoid gets 36V to open. When you release the button, a relay opens and the solenoid gets its power via the resistor. This voltage should be about 24V as far as I know. Since 24V are too less power to open the douser, the solenoid needs 36V to "kick open" the douser. You shouldn't press the changeover button all the time, this may kill the solenoid after a certain time!


Possible fault:


Resistor is broken or misaligned or there is a problem with the relays or cabling (contact problem or a wire is broken).



am I right, that the problem-douser is open while holding the black changeover button pressend down?

If so, you should check the resistor mounted onto the solenoid's mounting plate. It's a brown resistor with a glider on it. While pressing the changeover button, the solenoid gets 36V to open. When you release the button, a relay opens and the solenoid gets its power via the resistor. This voltage should be about 24V as far as I know. Since 24V are too less power to open the douser, the solenoid needs 36V to "kick open" the douser. You shouldn't press the changeover button all the time, this may kill the solenoid after a certain time!


Possible fault:


Resistor is broken or misaligned or there is a problem with the relays or cabling (contact problem or a wire is broken).


Acctuly no, when I press black button on that projector is going down, bu when I do changeover on second projector then is not going down....only automaticly is not going down.




are you sure the wiring between the two projectors is done properly? When pressing the douser-open button on the started machine, the douser of the machine which is projecting should close. This is done with 4 wires - additional 4 wires are needed to start the stopped projector when a cue mark has been read by the cuemark reader. If everything works when you are pressing the buttons on the machine itself (is that so?) there must be a problem with the communication between the two logics, because the douser-close input from the other machine goes directly to the same input in the flip-flop logic as the douser-close button does.




The cuemark reader isn't installed here, and also wiring is ok because this was working good until a month ago. So on schematic I saw that projector black button for dowser closing is connected from flip-flop to graund....and when is pressed dowser is closng. Also that same button is connected to ground via second projector K5 relay.....so this is why I suspect in relay.


Dowser sometimes goes down, sometimes no......but manuly on that projector evertime is going down. I was thinking to try change K5 relay on other machine if everything else like wiring is ok. But I goging in monday to that cinema so we will see :wink:

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