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Bauer B14 Studio motorizedreel arms

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Hello: I´ve just won an auction on Ebay Germany for a couple of a Bauer B14 Studio take-up reel arms. The arms are motorized and have reduction gears and clutch friction adjustment. They are originally intended for 900 mtrs. reels. I want to use them with my portable 35mm projector and would like to enlarge them with a piece of metal to take-up 1.800 mtrs. reels but I don´t know if they´ll have strenth enough to take-up those larger reels. Anyone has done this? What do you think about? I´ll thank your opinions.



please, please, please, sell these arms on ebay...

this is not a good idea.

you´ll need a special converter/inverter unit for the motors...


and, no, the reels for the bauer b14 studio are only for 600 meter reels.

larger reels don´t fit.

and these arms have special cores... these are for studio-only use and so commercial reels don´t fit on these arms...


so please sell these arms to another bauer-specialist.


the better way is to design your own take up arms for your portable projector

  TK-Chris schrieb:
please, please, please, sell these arms on ebay...

this is not a good idea.

you´ll need a special converter/inverter unit for the motors...


and, no, the reels for the bauer b14 studio are only for 600 meter reels.

larger reels don´t fit.

and these arms have special cores... these are for studio-only use and so commercial reels don´t fit on these arms...


so please sell these arms to another bauer-specialist.


the better way is to design your own take up arms for your portable projector


I also wont to do this for portable machine.....is anyone concidering hysterese motors from MEO5?


Hello: I work as a postproduction operator on a TV network and before this I worked as a telecine operator and the only different cores I found in all my life were the RTF (Radio Television Francaise) cores that are totally different to the others. So, I don´t know what kind of cores are you talking about... All the other cores can be mounted on a split reel. An for the arms they are the image film take-up reel arms, not the Sepmag (separate magnetic) film ones that are mounted on top of Bauer B14 Studio projector. They are a couple units of the reel arm that´s mounted on bottom of the projector and very similar on design to the ones used on Bauer Selecton II 16mm pedestal (standard and Double Band) machine for taking-up film. As for the inverter, I suposse that a Lenze or Telemechanique will work for the motors on single phase AC power.

The projector is a portable machine but sits on a home made pedestal to install the reel arms.



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